Being highly convenient, e-ticket is the most suitable way of travelling; you can confirm your travelling ticket without availing it in a paper-copy form. You provide the data about yourself to the airline you are going to fly with and they save it in the computer – no need to avail a ticket and no worries to lose it or forget it somewhere.  After having provided with your data to the airline, the only thing you need to do on the day of travelling is that you go to the check-in desk along with your passport, national ID card and a print of your itinerary. These documents are duly checked and verified there and you are provided with a boarding pass to travel.  

You can send a written request by an email at info@travelskyworld.com to our customer relation officer or talk to him on telephone. The cancellation should be sent quite before departure. In case of non-payment of the travelling dues the reservations are cancelled automatically within 48 hours of booking request. The tickets are usually issued on a non-endorsement and non- refundable condition unless a different statement is made. 

Each airline has its own baggage limits. You can find this info on your e-ticket or on the itinerary if you have availed a paper ticket. To make the things clear you can inquire about the baggage allowance from the travelling consultant or the airline representative online or by telephone.  

It is simple to book a flight for another person. Complete the process of reservation as normal by providing all the necessary info about the traveller. If we need any verification or explanation, our staff member will contact you. 

As much as eleven months in advance you can complete the booking. 

Certain countries require Advanced Passenger Information (API) due to their national security concerns. These countries are USA, China, South Africa, Thailand and Dubai. Now it is a legal requirement that API is collected by the airlines. Following are the Advanced Passenger Information:  

Passport Number expiry date and country of issue.  

Date of Birth, Gender and Name as registered on the passport.  



Cancellation charges apply to all the air tickets and minimum charges are 20,000 PKR per ticket. For refund, the tickets are given to the concerned airline and they assess them. The refunds by consolidators or airlines for partly used tickets are always lower than pro-rata, in some conditions no refunds value can be arranged whatsoever. The payment of refunded price to you depends when the consolidator or the airline establishes the amount due for payment. This takes as long as 6 to 8 weeks.

We would advise you to go for insurance as it covers air and land costs in most cases. It also consists of a minor part of the expenses. Baggage insurance is included in the suggested insurance for the trip and it handles all losses and flight interruptions which may lead to the repurchase of tickets as well as accommodation for the nights. 

Many airlines sell seats on flights not operated by themselves. They will typically create their own flight number, although the flight itself is operated by someone else. Whenever possible we will inform you if the flight is being operated by another carrier. The check-in details at the airport will usually detail all the flight numbers a flight holds including the codeshare ones.  

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